Carrot Ginger Juice



  • 3 medium-large oranges, peeled

  • 2 large carrots, washed

  • 1 thumb-size piece of ginger

  • 1 finger-size piece of turmeric


  1. Place the carrots in a juicer. Next, place the oranges in the juicer and sandwich the ginger and turmeric in between two of the oranges.

  2. Pour into a glass jar or container and refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Best served cold.

Serves: 2


Best to drink right away to get the maximum benefits. However, it can be stored in an airtight glass container in the fridge for up to 3 days. 

NUU GLO TIP: To get more juice out of the oranges, it’s best to juice them at room temperature. You can also gently roll the oranges on the counter and apply soft pressure before juicing.  


This juice is loaded with benefits, here are just a few.

Turmeric lowers blood sugar levels.

Controlling blood sugar levels is important in maintaining healthy skin. When blood sugar rises, insulin sends a message to the liver, muscles, and fat cells to uptake the additional glucose in order to lower blood sugar levels. Under short term stress, this is okay. However, if you’re dealing with chronic stress, then your blood sugar levels will remain high. When high blood sugar levels are sustained there is a cascading effect that can ultimately lead to hyperandrogenism and cause acne. 

That’s why it’s important to eat foods that keep your blood sugar balanced. You can learn more about the science behind blood sugar levels and acne in my blog post “Does Stress Cause Acne?”.

Ginger is a potent anti-inflammatory. 

Perioral dermatitis, acne, and psoriasis are all inflammatory conditions. Consuming anti-inflammatory foods is crucial to healing these conditions.

Vitamin C stimulates collagen production.

Oranges contain vitamin C which stimulates collagen production and acts as an antioxidant which protects against UV damage. Both are important to healthy skin.  

Vitamin A helps with wound healing.

Carrots are high in vitamin A. To give you an idea of just how high… one cup of carrot juice is equal to about 680% of the daily recommended intake of vitamin A. That’s a ton of vitamin A! One important thing to note is that vitamin A is essential for skin cell turnover, which is the process of producing new skin cells to replace existing ones. Our skin cells fully turnover roughly every 28-30 days and this can slow down with age. Carrot juice is an easy and simple way to get our daily dose! 


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