Almond Nut Milk

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  • 1 cup of raw almonds, organic if possible

  • 3 cups of filtered water


  1. Soak the almonds in 1 cup of water for 8 hours or overnight in the refrigerator. 

  2. Put the almonds and the water they’ve been soaking in into a blender. 

  3. Add 2 more cups of filtered water and blend.

  4. Strain with a cheesecloth or a mesh nut milk bag.

  5. Store in a glass container in the refrigerator (used mason jars work well for this).

  6. Store the almond meal in a separate glass jar in the fridge. The almond meal is a great addition to yogurt bowls and smoothies. 


Makes 1 litre. Lasts roughly 5-7 days in an airtight glass container in the fridge. This makes a great base for smoothies, oatmeal or as a dairy substitute for coffee. Add less water to for a thicker consistency. Add one date for some sweetness.


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