Does oil cleansing benefit acne-prone skin?


If you have acne-prone skin, the thought of slathering oil on your face is a scary idea. I never even considered it an option until the last few years, but I’m glad I did because it has done wonders for my skin. So, if you’re new to this concept and are skeptical, hear me out. 

Most oil-free skin care products on the market contain alcohol and other harsh chemicals that dry out our skin. It is widely believed that these products do a better job at killing the bacteria that causes acne. However, this is a myth. Drying out the skin isn’t the answer. In fact, it can make acne a lot worse.  

Soap disrupts the natural pH of our skin causing an imbalance in our skin’s natural oils. Our skin must then work harder to moisturize itself in order to get back to it’s normal pH level. However, this ends up causing an over production of sebum (oil). Oil on the other hand, complements the pH level of our skin. As a result, our skin doesn’t need to work as hard to re-balance itself and doesn’t over-produce sebum. 

Oily Skin - For those with oily skin, this might not make sense at first, but oil cleansing creates harmony within the skin. It works to re-balance your skin so there isn’t an over production of sebum over the course of the day. 

Dry Skin - For those with dry skin, oil cleansing helps to re-balance the skin’s natural moisture. Dry skin is dehyrated and oil works to increase the sebum production just enough so that the skin has what it needs to function well.

The idea behind oil cleansing is “like dissolves like”, which makes oil well equipped to remove dirt and makeup. Unlike water-based products, pure oils do not cause bacterial overgrowth and don’t contain preservatives.

The bottom line is this - oil cleansing creates balanced oil production in the skin which prevents clogged pores and acne formation.


  1. Splash your face with some warm water.

  2. Pour some oil about the size of a quarter into the palm of your hand and rub onto your face in a circular motion. Do this for roughly 30-60 seconds.

  3. Next, wet a soft washcloth and wring out the excess water so it’s damp. Gently wipe the oil off your face with the damp washcloth.

  4. Pat dry with a towel.

NUU GLO Tip - If you are wearing makeup, wash your face twice; once to remove the makeup and a second time to clean the skin.


  • Jojoba

  • Avocado

  • Sweet Almond

  • Sunflower

These oils are lighter in nature and are best for all skin types.

Beware of using coconut oil. Although it’s been marketed extensively in the beauty community as a natural moisturizer, it is high on the comedogenic scale and isn’t beneficial for those with acne-prone skin.


  1. Gently removes makeup (including eye makeup - it’s a one stop shop).

  2. Even-toned skin. Reduces redness and inflammation.

  3. Soft and supple skin.

  4. Radiant glowing complexion.

  5. Hydration. This helps with wound healing and hyperpigmentation.

Remember, any time you switch up your skincare routine, you can expect an adjustment period of about 7-14 days. Any longer than that and the product you are using may not be suitable for your skin. At the end of the day, you have to find what works best for you. Remember, when looking for natural skin care products, always check the ingredients. It’s always best to go with unrefined, organic, unscented oils.


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